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Hi! wELcome to my vEry oWn pAGE.. hOPe u LYk it..PLz do LEave a coMMent

iT's aLl aBOut mE!!

Hi.... My name is ZwItZiE G. BaStasa soPhoMOre bIrThdAy: December 12 i'm A mUggLe bOrn,i Am a FriEndlY peRson.... i'm suCh a raving lunAtic perSON!!!!bUt i recKOn thAt i'M stILL a niCE perSon.... i hAte peOplE thAt arE woOlly disCiplined....i loVE tO trY exOTic thiNGs buT not ghAstLY thinGS....fOR mE baRbariC gamES anD chaLLengeS arE cOOl!!!! i maY be miSleadiNG buT peoPLE finD me enJOying tO bE with.... anD whEn yoU hearD me shriEk, u wouLD wiSh thAt yoU havE nevEr been born,my scrEam is FataL.... roCker To tsoY!!!!!!!!! bzTA reY mysTErio fuNs, luV ko kAu!!!! i waNT to bE a BAnd meMBer,, peRhapS.... my FavoRite baNDs: caLLaLilY, hAle, cueShe, riVErmayA,saNDwich, dasHBOard coNfesSion, seConDhaND seREnade, reD jUMpsuit aPpaRatus,aLL ameRIcan reJects,. BOys LIke giRls, eMerY,sPONGecoLA,mETAlicA, vaNIllA_sKY,grEEndaY anD manY moRE!!!! fAve siNger kO tLga sI avRil laVignE!!!!!!! plEAze AdD mE uP!!

veRY pATHetic


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